Since my last post there hasn't been alot of excitement, but life has been good. Karen and I were able to spend a few hours out...just some girl time. We shopped for awhile...hit all 3 of our thrift stores, went into the mall for a few things, and enjoyed a "cuppa joe". It was a pretty darn good afternoon!
Bruce and Karen came over for dinner last night--nothing fancy, but the company was great!!! We need to do that more often. They're a "happy" twosome...always have something to say and always have a smile or two.
Now...check out the photo. I found this laundry hamper at one of our thrift stores for 2 bucks. Had a nasty stain in the bottom...looks like it came from a wet piece of blue or purple clothing. Took it downstairs and soaked it over-night in some Oxy Clean. Needless to say, that stain is now history and I have a great way to store some of my "yarn stash". Pretty cool...don't ya think???
Well, I better get busy. I need to locate 4 matching buttons for a hat and scarf set.
Keep Smiling!! Hope to see you tomorrow!