It's Victoria Day here in Canada...aka...another day for the government officials and banking institutes to have a day off.
Nothing much planned for the week. I want to get some flowers planted in my barrels and treat myself to a few new perennials. John loves marigolds, so will fill a few planters with them.
Beautiful out there this afternoon...but hot. Looks to be a gorgeous week.
Haven't done any crocheting at all over the week-end. Might "frog" out the baby afghan I started and use a different pattern...one with less holes in it.
Heading to The Country Club for the buffet this evening with a few friends. We can afford the buffet...but to go out and order off the menu is a different story.
Our yard sale went quite well over the week-end. Got rid of a bunch of "treasures", but there's still so much that needs to go. We're thinking of having another one on the 5th of June...right after the seniors get their monthly paychecks. Maybe I can move some of this yarn "outta" here!!! I only sold 7 skeins (2 packages) on Saturday!! :(
Check out my flowering crab tree...she was just beautiful this year!!!
Need to get outside and enjoy some sunshine...have a great day!! ;)