Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tadpoles and Turtles...

Just had to tell you about our ATV ride this morning.  We were out for about 2 hours and saw all kinds of neat things!!  First of all, a gazillion tadpoles at a lake we stumbled upon...all with little legs starting to form.  And...sitting there quietly in the water, waiting to munch on a few of those fat little tadpoles, was Mr. Snapping Turtle... and he was HUGE!! 

Driving along we found moose prints in the sand and several droppings from the local bears.  Saw a hawk and a sand hill crane as well.  It was a good day...and we had a "blast".

Have been working on a hat out of a wool blend in a dusty rose color (I call it "dirty" rose).  Hopefully, I'll have enough yarn to make the scarf, too!!!  I'll share the pictures with you when it's done. 

Now, I better get ready for work...why I volunteered to work this night shift is beyond me...but it's all "extra" money, so I'm not going to complain.  I'm lucky to have a job...so many people don't!!

See ya soon!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lazy Day...

Much cooler...and overcast...I miss the sun.  But, I'm grateful for the rain!!!  My gardens love it!!!

News of the last 24 hours...the DAMN birds.  They eat entirely too much...as you can see from the results of hanging my clothes on the line!!!!  But...I wouldn't trade their song for anything in the world.  I can hear the Crackles out in the rock garden, enjoying the sun flower seeds and suet. 

Took Oggie for a walk last night...and guess what we found??  A patch of wild strawberries!!!  Only picked a handful or two...but they sure were sweet and tasty on a bowl of vanilla ice cream!! 

I started dealing with some clutter in my craft room a few days ago.  If I was in my right mind...I would get rid of the majority of it!!  I just CAN'T do it!!  I'll never live long enough to finish up everything on my "Bucket List"!!!  And Lord knows I have enough yarn!!!!!

Better get busy!!!

See ya later!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Meet Allie Lorraine....

Well, here she is...Ms. Allie Lorraine...the final "apple of my eye".  Naturally, she's a beautiful little girl...with all 10 fingers and all 10 toes.  I sure am a lucky girl!!!

I worked all week-end, and was certainly happy to see it end.  I'm not an old woman, by any means...but I'm finding this job of mine takes more and more out of me as time goes on.  But..."never say die"...and I will keep pushing myself until I decide to retire.

Today, there is really nothing special planned.  John and I went through the chest freezer this morning and made a list of all the food we have.  Lord knows we won't starve to death!!!   On to the next task....I cleaned both bathrooms and John did the tub for me.  (I just hate that job!!)  And now I'm in the process of changing the sheets.  So it's been busy enough.

Nice breeze...think I might as well wash our pillows and get them out on the line.  It's supposed to rain tomorrow!!  Yeah...think I'll do that. 

Be safe...see you soon!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Just a short post to let you know I'm still amongst the living.  I know...it's been awhile.  Busy, busy, busy!!!

Got home from our visit to Michigan.  Was nice to see the family...and of course, meet that new grand-daughter of ours!!!  What a cutie-pie!  Will share pictures when I can find where John put them on the computer. 

And...FINALLY...the baby afghan is finished and delivered.  Never thought I'd see the day!!!  But...they seemed to like it and hopefully, that's the LAST one I'll have to make for any new babies in THIS family.  Much too early to start on any for great-grandchildren!!  :) 

Work today, but a short shift...a good thing.  Traveling takes alot out of me...time to concentrate on other things.

Have a great day...looks like the sky is breaking and we just might see some sunshine!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!!

Seems like there's ALWAYS something to do.  Have been working, of course, trying to keep this house up as it should be, playing in my gardens and trying to finish that darn baby blanket.  (No it's NOT finished yet, but am getting close to putting the border on!!) 

Picked up a new "fire pit" for the back yard.  Looks pretty nice...now I just hope we use it.  John also put the Bimini top on the boat...something else we haven't used in a few years.  Maybe this will be the year, if it ever warms up enough to kill off the black flies!!!

We had a yard sale last Sunday...did pretty good...and alot of "treasures" were sold.  Still much more to get rid of, and hopefully, we'll have another sale in a few weeks.  This time on a Saturday...when everyone is out and about!!

Better get ready for work...enjoy your week-end.