Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Monday, January 28, 2013


I ask my self constantly...WHY do we live in Northern Ontario??  In Northern ANY PLACE???  I just hate winter.  They're calling for freezing rain tomorrow!!  :(

Remember the red Aeropostale jacket I mentioned in my last post??  It SOLD!!   Good news!!

Picked out my next crochet project...will share with you tomorrow.  Right now, it's time to head to the post office!!!!

See ya soon!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Just a quick "hell-o". Besides, there just isn't much going on today.  It's Sunday, after all....Sunday in Elliot Lake.

I worked both Friday and Saturday...thank goodness I only work 2 shifts per week.  That boss of mine is PSYCHO!!  Although, I do like the job, itself...and the people I work with...she is something else.  I don't know if I'll last this one out...but will give it my best shot.  After all, the money is good!!

Had a pretty good week on eBay...sold several patterns.  And I have so much more to list.  If I could get 5.00 for every pattern I have...it would easily be 1000.00.  Tell you what this room looks like??  (Sigh)  I have an Aeropostale jacket in my auction...and I'm hoping it sells.  It's such a beautiful cherry red color!!!  Wish me luck.

Well, that's about it for this time...hope this finds you well....

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Treat for ME!!!!!

More snow...but nothing to worry about.  I can tell you one thing...I am counting down the days until spring!!  How about you??

My youngest is in the hospital...surgery to remove a cyst under his chin.  Normally wouldn't be too much to worry about, BUT it's so close to his lymph nodes...a specialist was called in.  Day surgery...I hope things went well.  Waiting for a message from his "wife".  Yup...they're back together....but a temporary thing.  She lost her job.

I treated myself...to a new book..."Stitch 'N Bitch" by Debbie Stoller.  Can't wait to get it!  Bought it on eBay...price was right and the shipping was reasonable.  I want to learn how to knit with double pointed needles...

Other than that...back to work tonight.  Glad I only have 2 short shifts this week-end.  I have had a cold, or flu since last Sunday night...still feel like a bag of shit!!

Have a great Friday...stay warm...and be kind to others...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hi-de-ho Neighbor!!

Not much happening on the home front...infact, it's been a long week.  Sunday night came down with a cold/flu or whatever you want to call it.  So, I have been under the weather.  Haven't even picked up a crochet hook in a week or more.  But...I did manage to tie a bunch of odd lots together to make a "scrappy scarf" some time in the near future.  A good way to use up some scraps, right?  (You know me...I can't throw a damn thing out!!!) 

So, here is "my pile" of scraps...I'll put them together with a strand of off-white.  I've seen them on a few web-sites and found them quite unique!! 

Back to work tomorrow...nice place to visit...but I have my eyes and ears open....if you know what I mean.  Not my cuppa tea.  And Lord knows, it's NOT the people I work with...they're awesome!!!

See you soon...need to get a few things listed in my eBay store.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Well, I managed to finish with my "spring fling" in  the upstairs bathroom.  Although I didn't purge much out of the linen closet...it is clean and organized.  Hubby and I started in on the computer/eBay room, and made a dent on a few shelves.  Looking better!   Good job.  :)

Well, I might as well tell ya...my youngest son, Jeremy, and his wife are divorcing.  I made Shauna an afghan for Christmas, but didn't quite get it finished.  To make a long story short...I planned on giving it to her and bringing it back home to finish it up.  But...since she didn't "show her face" the day and a half that we were there, I just brought the damn thing home.  I'll finish it and then probably take it to a craft show...or put it in my eBay store.  Regardless, I just want to finish the stupid thing and get it out of my hair.  It's a very pretty pink and plum color...ripple...and should make someone a nice "gift". 

Back to work tomorrow...so tonight will continue to list on eBay.  Free listing until January 19th. 

Until next time...enjoy your day!!!  :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Retail Therapy

John and I had to make a trip to Sudbury yesterday...one of those trips that takes all damn day.  He had an appointment at the hospital for a CT Scan.  Lord knows, I do hope they can figure out what's wrong with him.  On top of his "inside" problems...he also has a neck that cracks on a regular basis.  Pain is so bad, he feels as though a knife is working it's way into his skull.  Then there's his leg...he fell before Christmas....twice.  We've been to the emergency room a few times...and not one x-ray has been taken of his leg. 

Anyway, while there...we did some shopping.  More window shopping than anyting else.  I had several coupons to use up at Michael's--plus they had a GREAT sale.  So...I participated in some "retail  therapy"...which helped...for the moment.  Cotton yarn was 50% off...a real treat!! 

Other than that...not much going on.  I finished up my "spring cleaning" spree in the main bathroom...now onto this room...which will now be known as the "computer/ebay room".  Another mess....

Hope this finds you well!!!  :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hell-o! Is It Me You're Looking For???

Yes...I know.  Life gets in the way, I'm afraid. 

Christmas has come and gone...thank goodness.  This year I really fell behind, because I PROCRASTINATED!!!!  Finished up with everything the day before we left for Christmas in Michigan....and that was a week ago.  Terrible.  I say this every...but I will NOT let this happen again. 

Hubby isn't feeling well...they can't seem to figure out what is wrong with him.  Wish we lived back down in Southern Ontario...we had a fabulous Doctor there.

Started a new job.  Dunlop Lodge...still a waitress and still love it.  Fine dining at it's best.  Hope to retire in a year or so...maybe not.  

Started my spring cleaning.  I know, you think I'm nuts...I've only been at it for one day...but did make some much needed progress in the upstairs bathroom.

So...we will see what life dishes out...one day at a time.  Life has been pretty "unfair" lately...if I do say so myself.

See you soon.