Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Planning Ahead!

I am going to give this one last effort...to be ready for Christmas before the first of December.  This includes wrapping, Christmas cards, shopping, baking, etc.  No...this is not a New Year's resolution, because I get myself so worked up when I procrastinate and wait until the last minute....and nothing is done.  

I haven't picked up a crochet hook in the last week or so.  I want to do some mending and sewing, but my craft room is such a disaster, I wouldn't even think of working in there until that mess is cleaned up.  But....take a look at this cute little quilted box....

I'd love to make this for my grand-daughters....and I have 5.  Wouldn't they be so darn cute made in fabric that relates to their interests?  Just an idea.  But before this can happen, I need to get into that room and do some much needed organizing.  Looks as though a cyclone went through it!!  

So with that thought in mind...think I'll go and take a peek...see if I can make any progress.  

Happy Sunday!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a safe New Year's Eve...full of memory making activities.  I worked....and it was a long day.  But, my hubby was able to sit with me and we enjoyed watching all the drinkers make fools of themselves.  (Well, a few...)

A new year equals a fresh start, a reset. No resolutions for this girl that I'll ever attain, just an ongoing challenge to be a good person. If I can swing that, I’m happy. My goals are set too high...I never accomplish them and I become very discouraged.   And dreams….they’re in there, too.  We just never know what the future holds!

I have to work again this afternoon...but it's all "over-time".  Besides...I can use some extra pocket money.

With that...I think I'll go clean out a dresser drawer...a baby step.

Happy New Year!!!