Well, John and I had a chance to get away for a few days. We went down to Gaylord, Michigan...one of our favorite spots. We stay at The Quality Inn, where we get senior rates, free breakfast, a chance to do some shopping and see the sites. It was nice to get away and do "nothing". We were able to take some time and head west to the Petosky area. Lovely city on Traverse Bay off of Lake Michigan. On the way home, we took a few of the local highways to the Mackinaw Bridge..through Cheybogan, along Lake Huron. It was a nice change from the interstate.
While in Gaylord, we went over to the refuge where the deer and elk come in to feed. It's just amazing! The last time we were there we saw 2 or 3 Royal Bull Elk. They are so majestic and beautiful. Unfortunately, this time, there was only one. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Took my crocheting along...left my patterns home. What was I thinking??? I worked on a scarf, where a pattern wasn't really needed...a special order for one of the nurses in Saginaw. Just another row or two left to do and I'll be finished with it!!
I'll be heading down to Saginaw again this week. My Mother is having her back surgery on Friday, February 6th....FINALLY!!! I do hope things go well for her--she's been through so much, and still keeps a positive attitude!!
Well, time to sit and relax. Hope to get a few more post in before I leave. Talk to you later.........