Here's a picture of the cat that rules the roost here at home. This is Sunny...The Cat from Hell. He's really a very good boy...but has his moments. He sure is a good looking boy, don't you think? Look at the green eyes!!! He's a monster...actually looks bigger than he really is, as his hair is extremely long and very soft. He didn't eat his dinner tonight. Worries me...as he has an occassional urinary problem. Unless...of course, he ate Magnolia's dinner.....an every day occurrence, if I don't stand guard!!!
After work, John and I went for a drive with the Oggie Dog. It certainly was a beautiful day. The sun was actually out...not a cloud in the sky. Managed to go for a short walk...but just too cold. The wind had a real "bite" to it. Looks like we're in for more snow...will it ever end?????
Went to Hillside Market for some of their broasted chicken earlier. It was good and fresh...so a real treat. No cooking tonight...and no dishes.
John went to the hockey game this evening. It's quiet without him. I'll work on the afghan after my bath.
In the meantime...keep warm. And keep that snow shovel handy. See ya later....
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