Can you imagine snow this deep??? WOW!! I don't know where I found this picture...so I can't give credit where credit is due. But...thank goodness we've had a mild winter. The freezing rain we were promised has finally arrived...it's hitting the window as I speak. Snow, wind, rain and ice...such a good afternoon to stay inside!!!
I left work as it started to rain...and the ice in the parking lot was as slick as glass. Do I need to say more?? Have you ever seen a beached whale try to make it's way back to the water? Well picture this as you think of me making my way to the car!!! I cut my knee and the palms of my hands. What a bitch!! I want to crochet...but my fingers hurt!! (Whiner!)
I'm off for the next four days...and looking forward to some "down time". I do have to clean for Mr. Short tomorrow morning...but other than that, the time is MINE!!!
I'll talk to ya later...hope your Sunday is all you want it to be!!!
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