I've had this sheet for a few years now...I found it at a yard sale for 1.00...and it looked like new!! Anyway...the sheet is a double and our bed is a queen size...you get the picture, I'm sure. Well, it worked...for the most part...but was alittle narrow and we usually had a "tug of war" during the night...
So...I decided to make a set of pillow cases. The sheet was far too nice to toss or give away...and I like the print..so putting it in a yard sale wasn't an option. And...we only have one set of king size pillow cases...so...viola'...I now have a new set of pillow cases!!! And have you priced them lately?? The higher quality, better made ones cost a fortune.
Finished my mending...and now it's time to straighten up my craft room. That's the project for this afternoon. John went out to give his buddy, Dan, a helping hand with his gazebo...and Og The Dog and I have the afternoon to ourselves!!
So...with that bit of information...I'll leave you all until...next time!!
Keep smilin'!!