Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Finished Project....

I've had this sheet for a few years now...I found it at a yard sale for 1.00...and it looked like new!! Anyway...the sheet is a double and our bed is a queen size...you get the picture, I'm sure. Well, it worked...for the most part...but was alittle narrow and we usually had a "tug of war" during the night...

So...I decided to make a set of pillow cases. The sheet was far too nice to toss or give away...and I like the print..so putting it in a yard sale wasn't an option. And...we only have one set of king size pillow cases...so...viola'...I now have a new set of pillow cases!!! And have you priced them lately?? The higher quality, better made ones cost a fortune.

Finished my mending...and now it's time to straighten up my craft room. That's the project for this afternoon. John went out to give his buddy, Dan, a helping hand with his gazebo...and Og The Dog and I have the afternoon to ourselves!!

So...with that bit of information...I'll leave you all until...next time!!

Keep smilin'!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Simple Pleasures...

Still working at organizing...and made quite abit of progress yesterday. I had time to sit on the floor of my craft room and play with odds and ends of yarn....spent time on the computer looking for useful ways to use up these odd lots...and actually found several small projects that look like they might hold my interest!!

I've also been working on a pile of mending that needs some attention. I didn't realize how much I missed sitting at my sewing machine. Well, I've whittled that pile down to just 2 items...and I'll be done!!

Yesterday afternoon, I went out to the rock garden and did some weeding. Not alot of weeds..."preventive maintenance", easy work without becoming weary of the project. If I spend 30 minutes a day...I'll be finished in "no time". John moved a plant for me...and hopefully, it will get enough sun to flourish. No black flies as of yet...they're coming...and they ARE miserable!! Bug hats and nets are usually the attire for a few weeks in the spring. Fortunately, "black fly" season only last a few weeks...and the warm, dry weather usually kills them off.

So, you see, my day was filled with SIMPLE PLEASURES...I'd love a repeat of yesterday!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Feathered Friend....

I've been meaning to share this with you for over a week now....a while back...Mother Nature dumped a spring snow on us, which covered the ground. The robins were back and in a turmoil...as they couldn't find any worms or bugs to eat. Mrs. Robin...decided she was hungry enough to hit the suet...and has been a regular visitor. Now, that the snow is gone, she spends hours in the rock garden...on the suet..etc...back and forth. Such fun to watch her.

I saw an oriole a few days ago...they are far and few between in this area. Last year, we had a "flock" of them spend a few hours in the rock garden and off they went. Didn't see one the rest of the year.

Mambo's baby...last year's offspring...and a huge black squirrel...pays us a daily visit...usually early in the morning. She loves the sunflower seeds. Ma-ma red squirrel is here quite often...and Mr. Chips is a regular. The woodpeckers are always around...as well as the little chickadees and others. A busy place...our rock garden.

We have been keeping busy around the house...John has been working on the basement hallway...and it's looking "awesome". I've been de-cluttering---things are looking up. If we decide to sell...this place needs to look perfect...well, almost. And, if we don't sell...it will be our "home"...instead of a warehouse!

I've been removing a few of the items from my eBay store....that just don't seem to be drawing alot of interest. Giving us a break on the auction prices is wonderful...but the store listings have gone up 17 cents per item. Come on people...what's wrong with this picture???? I think 50 items in my store will be my limit...if that!!

Time to get busy...I hope you're all doing well. The sun is shining...my laundry is already on the line...and life is good.

Talk soon........ :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well, no sunshine today...and looks like we're in for more rain. That weatherman even mentioned the "S" word...SNOW!! Damn, I'm gonna wash his mouth out with soap. But..you have to remember this is northern Ontario...last year it snowed around the first of May.

Last night...another late night of t.v.... and raining when I went to bed. I opened the window and listened to the wind and rain...it is so soothing...almost like a good sedative!!! And I slept like a baby!!! Hmmm...snow just doesn't have the same effect...

John's been busying working in the hall-way going downstairs. I sure hope he's done sanding...that drywall dust makes a terrible mess. But...it certainly will be worth the effort (and mess) once it's one. We have our eye on another house...a small 2 bedroom on the St. Lawrence. It definitely needs some work, but it is a beautiful stone home...and could really be turned into something special. It's all about the location, so we think any money we invest into fixing it up--modernizing is the word I'm looking for, will definitely be to our benefit.....we'll see what happens.

Started another rolled brim hat in a hot pink....(think I mentioned it a few days ago). I only have a few rows to go to finish it up....but here's a good look at the color. I'll take another photo when it's finished. I think...when I'm done with the hat, I'll try to finish up a Christmas gift I started....quite some time ago. Might be a good idea...I'd love to have a "homemade Christmas" this year!!!

Hope you're enjoying your day!!! See you soon.....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

It's been a long day. I worked this morning, on a few short hours of sleep...and I'm just beat. I do hope everyone enjoyed their Easter holiday.

I went through my jewelry box this morning...and found my "vintage brooch". It's a chick in an egg shell...a gift from my oldest son, Jason...back in the spring of 1980. He was just 5 years old then...and he made it in his kindergarten class. Oh...the compliments I received from many of my customers. To turn back the hands of time.....

John and I went to Subway for dinner....I just love those cold cut subs....and add about everything imaginable to it. Always good and sloppy...a mess to eat...but it's so darn good!!!

Just hate to cut this short...but I need some sleep...stayed up far too late again tonight...it's already after midnight.

Sweet Dreams....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Meet "Mr. Chips"!!!

Mr. Chips is back...and has been for about 2 weeks now. He has a few special markings that tells me he's the original "Mr. Chips" from last year. He has our schedule down "pat"...knows when it's breakfast...knows when it's dinner time. You can just about set your watch by him.

John finished organizing his new portable garage this afternoon...made a trip to the dump...and got rid of alot of "stuff". It looks MARVELOUS and I give him credit for parting with his "treasures". It's a tough job...

As far as my "de-cluttering extravaganza" goes...so far so good. I'm making some progress...but I'm starting to have trouble parting with some of my yarn...gotta "toughen up"...and I know I can do it.

Tomorrow's Easter Sunday...also my grand-daughter's birthday....hope her gift arrived on time. I'm working...I have the early shift and the time should slide by.

In the meantime...I'm going to take my bath and relax for awhile. Not alot of excitement on this end...but I have no problems with that...

In case I don't talk to you tomorrow...have a wonderful Easter Sunday~~~

God Bless Ya.....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hey Mom......

Oggie...waiting patiently to go "outside". "Hey Mom...open that door..." Bless his little heart...he's such a good boy!!!

Still "de-cluttering" and have made some major progress. My "mountain" of yarn is slowly getting smaller...and it's such a good feeling. I've even been working in my closet...and it's looking pretty good as well. Still alot to go through...but it's slowly coming together...

John took down the old grey portable garage and is now in the process of putting up a new one. The other was pretty worn...full of holes and looked like hell...so this is really a big improvement!! A few more hours and he'll be done with it. Fortunately, he had help...our old neighbor, Tom, came over for a few hours. A big job goes so much faster when you have an extra set of hands...don't you think??

Haven't crocheted in a few days....hopefully, I can fit a few minutes in tonight. I'm exhausted...we'll see if I make it that far.

Back to work tomorrow...Good Friday. Nothing special planned for the Easter week-end...wish family members were closer. Wish in one hand...sh*t in the other...you know which one will fill up first. Oh...that certainly sounds like a "bad attitude"!!!

Enjoy your holiday week-end...God Bless........