I've been meaning to share this with you for over a week now....a while back...Mother Nature dumped a spring snow on us, which covered the ground. The robins were back and in a turmoil...as they couldn't find any worms or bugs to eat. Mrs. Robin...decided she was hungry enough to hit the suet...and has been a regular visitor. Now, that the snow is gone, she spends hours in the rock garden...on the suet..etc...back and forth. Such fun to watch her.
I saw an oriole a few days ago...they are far and few between in this area. Last year, we had a "flock" of them spend a few hours in the rock garden and off they went. Didn't see one the rest of the year.
Mambo's baby...last year's offspring...and a huge black squirrel...pays us a daily visit...usually early in the morning. She loves the sunflower seeds. Ma-ma red squirrel is here quite often...and Mr. Chips is a regular. The woodpeckers are always around...as well as the little chickadees and others. A busy place...our rock garden.
We have been keeping busy around the house...John has been working on the basement hallway...and it's looking "awesome". I've been de-cluttering---things are looking up. If we decide to sell...this place needs to look perfect...well, almost. And, if we don't sell...it will be our "home"...instead of a warehouse!
I've been removing a few of the items from my eBay store....that just don't seem to be drawing alot of interest. Giving us a break on the auction prices is wonderful...but the store listings have gone up 17 cents per item. Come on people...what's wrong with this picture???? I think 50 items in my store will be my limit...if that!!
Time to get busy...I hope you're all doing well. The sun is shining...my laundry is already on the line...and life is good.
Talk soon........ :)
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