It's been a pretty uneventful Saturday. I was awake at 5:15 this morning....laid there hoping I would go back to sleep. Just didn't work out that way. So...I got up...had my coffee, listed a few things on eBay and dusted the upstairs. Not that it needed it! I'm sure you noticed a wee bit of sarcasm in my tone of voice, didn't you???
Work was rather boring and long. I had a few tables, but being a holiday week-end and what turned out to be a beautiful day...it was pretty quiet. I managed to keep busy...always do...helps pass the time. Tomorrow is going to be a tough one...I work a split shift. Need to get to bed earlier tonight.
Hoping when we stop at my Mom's next week, the condo garden will have more than enough veggies to share. I think I told you of the summer squash and zucchini that they shared with me last time I was there. They looked so nice all blanched and bagged up for the freezer!!! Actually, kind of pretty don't you think?? A few years ago, they gave me 2 boxes of tomatoes. What a treat!! And last year, I was told, they just rotted on the ground...no one wanted them. Wish I would have known. So I'll drop a few hints this year, and maybe I'll just get some for some vegetable juice and salsa.
Well, guess I'll push the vacuum up here...at least that will be done and out of my hair. Need to get our clothes ironed for the wedding....think that might wait until Monday.
Until next time...keep smiling!!!