You just can't get rid of me that easy. I'm like a reoccurring nightmare...I keep comin' back!!! I see another month has come and gone. I can't believe how fast time is passing flying by!!!
So let me think for a minute...I finished my baby afghan....that's it in the picture. It was an extremely easy pattern...and worked up fast. Now it's time to start on more items for the craft show and work on Christmas gifts.
John painted our bedroom and added some crown moulding. It's so nice!! I put up a new valance and have adder a new comforter...well, new to me. We've been pricing new doors for the closets...and believe me when I tell you, they aren't cheap!! Better keep saving my pennies...
Went to Brockville for a few days to spend time with John's parents. Did some heavy duty shopping while there...and found a dress, jacket and shoes for my youngest son's wedding. I'm wearing black and white. Took me FOREVER and 18 "gazillion" stores...but decided on a little black dress, black and white jacket and patent heeled sandals. Will throw on pearls and call it "good enough". Just can't justify wearing something "fancy" ONE TIME...and let an expensive dress hang in the closet. Money certainly doesn't grow on trees, right??
Heading down to my Mother's tomorrow...we're going to the bridal shower...Sunday... for my "soon-to-be daughter-in-law". Heart just isn't into it...but should be a good time...
Well, that's my news...hope this finds you and yours well. Oh...by the way...did you hear Ringo Starr turned 70 this month???? Hmmmmm..prime example of "flying time"!!
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