It certainly has been a long day...I worked a split shift-6 1/2 hours this morning and a 4 hour shift this evening. Not bad at all...but my body is now telling me that I'm just not as young as I think I am. Who wants to admit that it takes "everything you have to give" to work these hours at my age???? Not that I'm an old lady...and can still work circles around some of the others....but......I think you know where I'm coming from.
I was thinking...it's been soooo long since I've actually sat down and crocheted. I have an afghan to finish for my daughter-in-law for a Christmas gift....started it 2 years ago. I think it's time to get it finished up, don't you??? Plus...there's a few craft show I want to reserve tables for...so I really need to get more hats and scarves finished. Lord knows I have the yarn..... :)
Take a look at this tree. The day John and I went for a picnic, we took a path that ran along the river. I call it "The Beaver Tree"...obvious reason why. It looks so shiny...I think from the sap that has run through it....almost appears as though someone took the varnish to it. It's was absolutely beautiful!!
Hubby will be home tomorrow...probably late afternoon. It sure will be good to have him home. I never sleep well when he's gone!!!
So...on that note...I'll say "good night"!! I'm on my way to take a bath!!!
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