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Thursday, September 23, 2010

This Old Chair...

This old chair sits on the deck and it certainly didn't see much rockin' this year! Not quite sure why I don't spend my time out there...I have a nice back yard...small, but nice...a rock garden full of flowers...and weeds...and so many birds that come to visit. Now, it's almost time to put it away for the winter...there's always next year.

Spent about an hour working in the garden yesterday. John pulled out some ground cover and I moved a few plants around. Still more to do...but hopefully, we can finish it up in a few hours. There's light at the end of the tunnel!!

Had an awesome time at Barb and Dan's yesterday. Sat on the deck and later moved to the "fire pit"...watched the birds and had a nice visit. Dinner was soooo good--chicken, veggies and a homemade lemon meringue pie!! Finished off the evening with a game of cards...and yes..."wine sipping on the deck" just happened to be on the agenda!!

We have John's parent's coming for a few days...need to get some house cleaning done. Guess I better get busy...

Have a great day!!

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