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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blueberry Season

It's blueberry season here in Northern Ontario.....always a great time out in the bush.  Weather was perfect...not too hot...nice breeze!!  I could have stayed out there for hours. 

Went to a few yard sales this morning.  Found a few "treasures"...nothing I needed. ...but you can NEVER have enough yarn, right????

It's supposed to get extremely hot and humid here over the next few days.  The restaurant has no air...and by the time it gets replaced, the hot, muggy season will be a thing of the past. 

Think I'll go and work on a scarf I'm making....the craft shows will be here in just a few short months!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

1 comment:

Doris Sturm said...

Hey, I love Christmas too - LOL and blueberries. Our season ended about a month ago, but when it's here, I eat them every day!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you!

Doris and Gizzy ;-)