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Saturday, February 2, 2013

What A Waste!!!!

I have to admit....I waste so much time sitting at this computer.  And I have a Bucket List miles long, of things I want to do with my life.  I better get busy!!!

But...I must tell you...I started another crochet project.  Remember the tub of yarn scraps I shared with you??  Well, here's the results...2 balls of tied and twirled yarn!!  I'm in the process of using my "treasure"...and will share the end results with you in a few days.  Nothing "earth shattering", but pretty cool, all the same!!  The picture is pretty bright, but you get the general idea!!

I've been suffering with the remains of a chest cold...infact, I took so much cough medicine and Ibuprofen, that my blood pressure jumped sky high.  So high, I went to the ER at our local hospital.  Blood pressure will be retested on Monday and I'll have some blood work done as well.  Probably sounds like "no big deal" to you, but I deathly afraid of needles...and go right into a panic!!  I'll let you know how I make out, as I have some cream to use which will numb my skin......

So with that bit of needless info.....I better get ready for work.  Enjoy your day....

Talk to you soon....

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