Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


eBay has been keeping me very busy...and I'm thrilled!  Not only is it good for my "pocket book"...it's a great feeling to make someone happy.  Not exactly in that order.... 

I FINALLY sold this neck warmer!!  It has been listed in my store for about a year now.  Although the price wasn't as high as I think it should have been...I'm happy someone will be enjoying it this winter!!

I also have an order to fill...12 hats.  I'm moving slow on this one...can't "get into it".  I hate the patterns...infact I had to "revamp" one entirely.  When this is over and done with, I want to open up that sewing machine, and start working on MY gifts!!! 

Just though I'd stick my head in and give you a  big "hell-o".  Hope your day is going well....I'm enjoying mine!! 


Therese said...

hello back to you. it's been awhile since I have blogged. very nice work on the crocheting. I have gotten a couple request for crocheted animal hats, they want to pay me for making them. how do you figure a price.

Debi said...

Hi Therese!! Thanks...this particular neck warmer was a real "no brainer"...but I was happy with the results. Now...first of all, you can't put a price on your crocheting. You'll never get your money back out of it. BUT...take the price of the yarn and multiply it by 3...that should give you some insight. Also, go on eBay and do a search for handmade hats, etc. Hope this helps....I do it just because I like to crochet...not only does it pay for the yarn, but it gives me some satisfaction of making someone happy. I get my yarn from the States...much cheaper there than here in Canada. Have fun!! Who knows...this could really turn into something special for you!!!