Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Monday, December 29, 2014

Home Again...

Christmas has come and gone for another year....thank goodness.  Will share the details with you next time.  But...one very special someone was missing this year.  

I Love You, Mom.  Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Our Oldest....

Hopefully, tomorrow I'll share a picture or two of my latest crochet projects...but for now...I'll share a picture of our oldest "son".  This is Sunny...aka  "Cat from Hell",  "Hell Child"...etc.  I think you get the picture.  Well, Sunny Boy is 15 years old...a lazy boy, but he's earned the right!!!  He's fat and furry and believe it or not, an AWESOME cat!!!  (Don't pay any attention to the name calling above--although he has had his day from time to time!!)

Plans for the day???  Need to get some laundry done and gifts wrapped.  I'm not scheduled to work until tomorrow morning...so the day is mine.  

So, if I sit here any longer, I will loose my "mojo" and continue to sit and do absolutely nothing all day!!

Sure would be nice if the sun would shine....

Enjoy your day!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Well now!  It didn't turn out too bad.  I personally think it needs some of those red apples here and there, but John thinks there is enough "red" on it.  (It actually looks better "in person"....you can see the small wooden ornaments.)  And a Christmas tree skirt??  Not this year...I kind of like the old milking stool!!   

Another extra shift tonight....not real "keen" on the place any more.  And, in all actuality, I don't care if I'm there or not.  But, the extra money is nice and I'm putting a few dollars away for a few things I want.  

Need to get some gifts wrapped...and maybe a batch or two of cookies made to take down to my son's place and over to my in-laws.  

Need to pull my head out of my ass and get these things done.  EVERY year I tell myself..."It's going to be a homemade Christmas and I'm never waiting until the last minute again."  I better get out of the "funk" I'm in...as I'm running out of "next years".....Know what I mean???

Better get dressed.  Going to get my hair cut this morning and I want to be first of the list!

Have a wonderful day!!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree.....

Working an extra shift tonight...hope it's worth going in for....  

Now...we have a beautiful Christmas tree and ornaments...but I just don't want to put the damn thing up. I guess it would be different if we were going to be home this Christmas.  So, a few days ago we went to one of our local thrift stores and found this.....

Do you think there's any hope for it????  Stay tuned.....

Enjoy your Saturday!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Christmas cards are ready to mail..all 25 of them.  My list gets smaller every year and I miss sending notes to those people that were close to my heart.

Also managed to get my Dad's parcel ready to mail.  Everything will be going out tomorrow.  I still have one box to get ready...to my 3 oldest grand-daughters.  A little something in there for my Son and his wife as well...but not much.  Someday I'll share the reason behind it all.  Basically WHY I am not going there to watch my grand-daughters open their gifts.  Breaks my heart. Their parents are truly  ________ !!  Use your imagination!!!!

The sun is out...but still quite cool out there.    The sun makes everything right with the world....

Think I better get working on my hat...I have one more to go plus 3 pair of slippers to do to complete an order.  Better get my butt in gear!!

Until next time!!!!  Keep smiling!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Tough Little Boy!!

You remember Oggie, don't you??  Also know as "Og The Dog".  Anyway, yesterday he had an appointment with Dr. Barb, his vet.  Oggie had a huge mole on his knee he kept licking....and it ended up infected...and so the story goes.  My poor little man had to have minor surgery to remove the mole...3 stitches later...and what a trooper.  He has been through alot for such a little guy!  And on top of that, he has an infected tooth.  Antibiotics and a cleanser for his teeth.  But...he's doing great and so far so good!!! 

Went to one of the second hand stores this morning.  We bought a small tree to decorate...wasn't going to do anything at all....my heart isn't into it.  We have such a lovely large tree...and beautiful decorations...but can't see that happening this year.  I did manage to print out my Christmas card list...and we'll see how much of that nasty task I can get accomplished today!!!! 

Do you notice alot of "negative" in my attitude????  Need to change my ways!!!  

Monday, December 1, 2014

Remember Me?

I haven't been a very faithful blogger....what else can I say??

Christmas is just alittle over 3 weeks away....are you ready?  We will be heading down to my youngest son's place for a few days and then back into Canada to celebrate the holiday with my husband's parents.  I am NOT doing any decorating and will only be sending a few cards.  My heart isn't into it this year and I can do what I damn well please.  Maybe next year will be different...maybe not.  

Have several special orders for crocheted hats, slippers and mittens....

hope to be done within the next week or two.  Here's another one of my cotton hats.  It's a lovely "spring" colored hat....a "happy" hat!!

Until next time...hopefully sooner than later....stay warm.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A New Hat...

Just a quick note...wanted to show you one of my latest hats.  It's a Slouchy Beanie in charcoal grey. Have it listed in my eBay store as well as on etsy...let's hope things pick up soon.  The Christmas season should be making it's move soon.

Still preparing for our yard sale.  Now it looks like we might get some rain on Saturday.  I think it's time to pick out a "rain date".  I have boxes and boxes of "goodies" to get rid of...and I still haven't put a dent in those cupboards and closets.  

Well...better get busy.  Would much rather sit and do NOTHING...but things won't get done that way!!  

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Disappointing Mum

I have had this potted plant for well over a month...and it remains the same as the day I bought it..FULL of unopened blooms!!  Maybe I should stick it out in my rock garden and it will flourish next year.  

We're getting ready for a yard sale.  Since my Mom  passed on, this place resembles a ware house.  (Yes, you read that right.)  I will keep things that hold a special place in my heart, and the rest will either have to be sold or go to a local thrift store.  I cannot keep everything.  It's time to be BRUTAL!!  

Well...I better get my butt in gear...I have so much to do for this yard sale!!  If it doesn't sell, it is NOT coming back into this house!!  True story!!  

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Well, my news of the day!!  And it's very exciting.  My hubby, John, went down to visit his parents...with the intention of going to the Annual Iroquois Car Show...which he did.  Out of the 300 or so vintage cars there, he took BEST OF SHOW aka JUDGE'S CHOICE..the most prestigious award there is to be given.  No...nothing monetary...but he's bringing home a really neat trophy.  Told me it must weigh 20 pounds!!  Isn't that just "the greatest"?  

So, here it is.  His 1957 Hudson Metropolitan and the trailer he built to match!!!

My day??  I worked...which was pretty uneventful.  Had coffee with my buddy, Toby, and took Oggie Dog for a walk.  Don't know why, but I'm just beat.  Need a nap, but it's too late in the day.

So...with that, I better get off by butt and do something....think I'll go sort buttons.  

Congrats Johnnie!!!

And hope you've enjoyed your week-end!!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Still Shedding...

Yes...I'm still at it.  Shedding all of the "over-flow" from my craft room!!  How's it going...you ask??  SLOW..very slow and stressful.  I have such a hard time parting with "stuff".  I've managed to take 2 bags of clothing over to one of our local thrift stores and have a large box ready for the yard sale.  

Getting rid of some of my yarn is very difficult.  I'm holding off.  But I did manage to list 3 skeins of Lion Brand Chenille...which has now been discontinued.  It's very pretty, but just not my "cup of tea".  I hate working with it.  

Need some yarn???????  Stop on over and shop in MY store!!

Have a great Saturday.  :)

Friday, August 22, 2014


Yes...I am shedding.  I'm going through my closet and getting rid of clothes I haven't worn in years.  I've lost some weight and have keep it off for over a year now...so I think I'm safe!!!  I also inherited a bunch of clothes from my Mom...most of it fits...some is just too tight for my liking.  I've managed to take 2 bags of nice things over to one of our local thrift stores.  Had to do it "right way" before I changed my mind.  Now...I can't remember half of the items I bagged up...so obviously, they won't be missed.

It's been a very trying month.  My Mom passed away on the 25th of July.  I was with her...and although death is so damn "final", it was a beautiful moment.  Make sense???  She brought me into this world and I was there to help her out.  She spoke of dying the last day or two...so I knew it was just a matter of time.  I miss her.....and I have a broken heart.....but I know she's here with me.  I can feel her presence.  

On that note...I will leave you to go back to my "shedding"....and think of my beautiful Mother.

I miss You.....

Friday, July 18, 2014


Where does the time go??  It's been almost 3 months since I've posted.  No excuses...I guess life just got in the way.

I won't linger on about the last few months...other than it's been busy!!  I managed to get my garden in....my rock garden is a mess.....and I managed to get some crocheting done.  

I'll start "fresh" with a picture of one of my hats.  I've changed the pattern slightly...more of a slouchy beanie than a larger tam.  Seems to be all "the go" at the time being.....

 I made this out of Peaches & Creme SCENTS...Soothing Aloe...100% cotton.  Nice variegated greens...

Hope you enjoy your week-end!!!  Will share more with you next time!!!

Friday, April 25, 2014


My blue hat...a slouchy beanie.  They seem to be quite popular right now...more so than the tam.  There's really not too much difference...just a little shorter.  Anyway, it's made with acrylic yarn in the color "Blue Suede".  

Went out to Quirk Lake yesterday afternoon and spent some time with Barb and Dan...our best "buddies".  Just sat and talked...enjoyed a few glasses of wine, had dinner and played some cards.  Had a great time.

Today, I hope to start another hat...and then I'll head to work.  I work a total of 2 days per week, which is pretty sad, to say the least.  Oh well...just 2 months and 15 days until I retire.  (And yes, I'm counting them!!!  :)

Have a great day!!!!  I'm going to!!  

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The "BLOB"

Well...do you think "spring has sprung"?  Let's hope so....it sure has been a long time coming.

Now...do you see this "blob" in the tree??  This is Rocky...Rocky Raccoon...and he shows up every spring.  Yes, it's time to take the bird feeders down every night.  Yes, it's a pain in the "backside"....but better than replacing bird feeders every week.

Crocheting?  Made a dish cloth...and gave it to Oggie Dog's babysitter..."just because".  I finished up a blue slouchy beanie and a rainbow colored beanie with a black band.  Turned out pretty cute!!  I'll share photos next time around.

We're heading out to Quirk Lake this afternoon...dinner with our best friends.  Will have them over Monday or Tuesday..might just have to try a new recipe.

Well...guess it's time to get something done around here before we leave. Hope this finds you healthy, wealthy and wise!!!!  Enjoy the day! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Life Lesson...The Inevitable

As I looked outside my office window...I noticed my neighbors.    No, we have never met...but watching them was so heart warming-heart wrenching.  I have heard from other neighbors that she has been quite ill and he is now suffering with MS.  A nurse has been showing up twice per day.  But today, as I watched the son help his Mother to the car...it sure got my head spinning. 

My hubby and I are the  both remaining siblings of aging parents and the burden of helping our parents is becoming more inevitable.  No...let me correct myself...it is NOT a burden, but a PRIVILEGE of helping our parents.  They are aging and deteriorating at a rapid pace.  When the phone calls start to come in that they have "left this world", it will be devastating.  But, we all have to go through this, right??   

In the meantime, I am so grateful for my health, the roof I have over my head, the food on my table and I am warm and comfortable.  I "need" nothing.  I am blessed.  And I have realized over the last few weeks, that nothing in this world is as important as your health and happiness.  We only get one chance at this...if I can speak in unfamiliar territory.  :)

Crocheting?  Took it downstairs--never touched it.

Family?  Talked to my Mom yesterday ..she's a "gem".  And  today my father-in-law is getting out of the hospital. for the second time in two weeks.  (Maybe he'll behave himself this time!!)

Hubby?  He might be coming home tomorrow.  Haven't seen him in two weeks. 

Life??  It's a good thing.  We all know the alternative, right??

And last , but not least...PEACE be with You!

Have a wonderful day...this one will be the only one like it!!

Monday, March 31, 2014


A busy morning.  Went to the post office and it was suicidal in that parking lot.  The "Seniors" received their monthly check over the week-end...either by direct deposit or mail delivery...and everyone was out and about.  And if you didn't notice, I said the word "Senior" very softly.  I'm counting down the days to retirement!! 

Also spent a good part of the morning on the phone....canceling doctors appointments and trying to get information on John's test results.  It's like pulling teeth!!  We want to make an offer on a house down closer to his parents...but don't want to do it until we receive those results.  He's been having some trouble with his memory....and we're hoping it's NOT dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.  If this is the case, a condo might more to our advantage.  Personally speaking, that is might last alternative!  I would miss my gardens and yard tremendously.  So...here's hoping for the "best"... I guess you get the hand life deals you...right??  I can't wait for him to get home...I miss him.

This afternoon, Oggie Dog and I went for a drive out to the golf course.  Walked along the road...new smells for my little man.  It's extremely dangerous trying to walk the sidewalks here in town.  They're full of uneven ice and once it starts to thaw, it is just a mess!  I don't care to fall and break a hip...or something silly like that!

I didn't finish my hat last night.  My kitty wanted to spend some time on my lap...and that is certainly more important.  She's a long hair ol' girl...Maggie...so crocheting a hat that I want to sell is kind of out of the question.  But take a peek...only 6 rounds left to go.  A lovely blue color, don't you think?  Red Heart "Blue Suede".

So with that...I'll wish you a "good day".  Better go see what kind of trouble I can get into this afternoon.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunny Sunday!


Yes, a SUNNY SUNDAY!!!  It went up to 50 F. today!  Snow is melting and it is just a real "beauty" out there.  It's cooling off now, but there isn't a cloud to be seen.

At home...hubby is still down taking care of his ailing parents.  His Dad ended up BACK in the hospital after major surgery at the age of 88.  Stubborn Dutchman.  Need I say more??   I miss John...hope he can come home this week.

Work??  Depressing...we've lost most of our regulars.  Sunday Brunch is a "joke".  The bar crowd and Friday night patrons are no longer there.  It's a damn shame!  And the new boss won't listen to a thing we have to say....I've had enough.  I can retire in 3 months and 11 days, and I'm going to do it!!

Crocheting?  Tried to finish up another slouchy beanie last night.  Color is Blue Suede...similar to the Ranch Red beanie I shared with you earlier in the week.  But...this time I'm making it a bit larger and one row shorter.

Other than that...not much news here.  I do hope your day was sunny and bright. 

Pictures next time...and, by the way, the squirrels and birds are just lovin' this warmer weather.   :)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Snowy Thursday!!

Did I hear someone say "SPRING"????  We should tell Old Man Winter to "give it up"!  It is 1:30 in the afternoon, and I have swept off the car, swept the front steps and deck twice AND shoveled the drive-way once.  It's "HEART ATTACK" snow.  I've had enough of it.  I swear, if I was alone....NO...I would NOT go into an apartment, but hire someone.  Changed my mind, and I guess I can!!  :)

This picture I'm sharing with you is from a few days ago.  The Mouning Doves.  And as I call them, "THE LOVE DOVES".  I personally think their habits are far above most birds I observe.  Big bodies and little heads.  Smarter than most people give them credit for. 

 Crochetin?  Nope.....but that's okay.  I'll do that when I'm finished with some house work.

Enjoy your day!  Hope it's spring where you are!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Is It Spring Yet??

SPRING???  Hmmmmm...don't think it's ever going to come!  Another BLAST from Ol' Man Winter should arrive sometime during the night.  Another 9 inches called for by Friday morning.  I now call the word "SNOW" a dirty four letter word.
Oggie and I  have been going for daily walks...something John usually does.  And some days we have been going for two. 

So this handsome dude, below, and I decided to jump in the car and go for a drive yesterday.  We ended out by the golf course.  Wasn't too bad...until we got further down the road.  It was a sheet of ice!!  But someone was looking out for me....and that little car of mine got us out without  a problem.  As we were leaving, the sand truck came through...so all was good with the world.  Security!!  I DID bring my cell phone...but what good would have done out in the bush?? 

Today was kind of a "ho hum" type of day.  I did some ironing, cleaned the half bath and did a load of laundry.  Tomorrow I will do more house work, as John SHOULD be home by Saturday night.  :)  Makes me a happy girl! 

I started another hat...but put it aside.  I LOVE Red Heart yarn...but this skein is a damn mess. Color is Dark Orchid...a super color for Fall 2014...but unless this yarn improves before long, it will end up in my yard sale. 

So that's my day...had a ton of sales in my eBay store...hope it continues... 

Enjoy your evening.  American Idol tonight!!  :)

Friday, March 21, 2014

My Latest...

Just stopped by to say "hell-o"...and to share my latest hat with you.  It's a slouchy beanie...made with Red Heart yarn in the color Ranch Red.  Simple basic pattern and I love it!  Infact, I think I like it better than the rasta tam pattern I've been using.  Regardless, I'm going to make a bunch of them and  get them listed.  And if they don't sell this spring or summer, I'll have a stock pile for the winter months ahead.  I might even try making a few out of cotton yarn for the summer. 

Haven't been doing much.  I managed to clean out several kitchen cupboards and drawers.  Didn't get rid of much, but they're nice and clean. 

And I've been listing like a "mad woman" on eBay.  I need to get rid of some of these patterns!!  Think I might have told you that I picked up over 100 patterns while we were away. 

Went to the post office and grocery store this morning....just picked up a few items that were on sale.  But...since I was out, I might as well stop at the local thrift stores, right??  I found 12 more patterns (shame on me) a hairpin lace loom and fabric...all for 7.00.  And they're all for eBay!!  ;)

Other than that, no news is good news.  It's such a beautiful day...think I'll take Oggie for a walk.  He'd like that.

Hope the sun is shining wherever you may be!! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Home Again...

Yes, we were away...for 17 wonderful days....and Sunny Florida was our destination.  It's odd how it works...takes us 26 hours to get there and 5 days to get home.  Tell you something???

And now...we're home...and it's snowing....AGAIN!  Imagine that!!  Old Man Winter just doesn't want to give up.  But...only calling for 6 inches today.  Can you feel a note to sarcasm in my voice???

I’ve been down in the dumps lately. I’ve been home bound a lot. I seem to be on the edge of some transition with my career...and since I've been a waitress most of my life I guess you can call it a career.  The elder family members have been ill..worrisome being so far away.  All of that is reflected in they way I see myself and where life is going at this moment in time. It's messy and frustrating...and when I get "down"....I seem to bring the world down around me.  I attribute it to "distance".  I know so many people, and still feel terribly alone.  I miss my family, my extended family, my boys and my grand-daughters. 

I should feel fortunate...I have my health... a roof over my head...a warm house...food on the table...and we're free of debt.  What more could I ask for???  But...and there's always a "but"...I live in a small town in Northern Ontario...at the end of a highway...an old mining town that prospered "back in the day".  The main words being..."in its day".  It's time for a change...and John and I realize this more and more as time passes. 

On a brighter note...the sun MIGHT shine tomorrow...and the temperatures just might hit the freezing mark. 

And...I've been doing some crocheting.  I tried out a new pattern for a "slouchy beanie".  I like it!!  It's seems to be "all the go" now...with the hat styles changing from the rasta tams and berets, to beanies.  Here is what I've accomplished lately...a few tams.  Now I will move on to the "latest in fashion"...(not that I really care, but the current trends seem to sell better!!)


I've been listing patterns like CRAZY in my eBay store...I picked up over 100 of them while we were traveling.  Come check things out... http://stores.ebay.ca/debeeedosnewtoyoushop.   You just might find something you can't live without.  :)

On that note...I'm going to go clean out my closet.  Have a "groovy" day...or make the best of it!! 

See You Soon!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Wasting time...I'm good at it. 

But...wanted to stop in and share a part of life with you.  Still working...but not much.  Made it through the holidays...by the skin of my teeth.  And did a bit of crocheting.  Will try to share a few pictures tomorrow.

Right now, it's time for bed...I can barely keep my eyes open....

See you tomorrow...if all goes as planned!!  :)