Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Tough Little Boy!!

You remember Oggie, don't you??  Also know as "Og The Dog".  Anyway, yesterday he had an appointment with Dr. Barb, his vet.  Oggie had a huge mole on his knee he kept licking....and it ended up infected...and so the story goes.  My poor little man had to have minor surgery to remove the mole...3 stitches later...and what a trooper.  He has been through alot for such a little guy!  And on top of that, he has an infected tooth.  Antibiotics and a cleanser for his teeth.  But...he's doing great and so far so good!!! 

Went to one of the second hand stores this morning.  We bought a small tree to decorate...wasn't going to do anything at all....my heart isn't into it.  We have such a lovely large tree...and beautiful decorations...but can't see that happening this year.  I did manage to print out my Christmas card list...and we'll see how much of that nasty task I can get accomplished today!!!! 

Do you notice alot of "negative" in my attitude????  Need to change my ways!!!  

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