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Christmas has come and gone for another year....thank goodness. Will share the details with you next time. very special someone was missing this year.
I Love You, Mom. Merry Christmas.
Hopefully, tomorrow I'll share a picture or two of my latest crochet projects...but for now...I'll share a picture of our oldest "son". This is Sunny...aka "Cat from Hell", "Hell Child"...etc. I think you get the picture. Well, Sunny Boy is 15 years old...a lazy boy, but he's earned the right!!! He's fat and furry and believe it or not, an AWESOME cat!!! (Don't pay any attention to the name calling above--although he has had his day from time to time!!)
Plans for the day??? Need to get some laundry done and gifts wrapped. I'm not scheduled to work until tomorrow the day is mine.
So, if I sit here any longer, I will loose my "mojo" and continue to sit and do absolutely nothing all day!!
Sure would be nice if the sun would shine....
Enjoy your day!!!
Well now! It didn't turn out too bad. I personally think it needs some of those red apples here and there, but John thinks there is enough "red" on it. (It actually looks better "in person" can see the small wooden ornaments.) And a Christmas tree skirt?? Not this year...I kind of like the old milking stool!!
Another extra shift tonight....not real "keen" on the place any more. And, in all actuality, I don't care if I'm there or not. But, the extra money is nice and I'm putting a few dollars away for a few things I want.
Need to get some gifts wrapped...and maybe a batch or two of cookies made to take down to my son's place and over to my in-laws.
Need to pull my head out of my ass and get these things done. EVERY year I tell myself..."It's going to be a homemade Christmas and I'm never waiting until the last minute again." I better get out of the "funk" I'm I'm running out of "next years".....Know what I mean???
Better get dressed. Going to get my hair cut this morning and I want to be first of the list!
Have a wonderful day!!
Working an extra shift tonight...hope it's worth going in for....
Now...we have a beautiful Christmas tree and ornaments...but I just don't want to put the damn thing up. I guess it would be different if we were going to be home this Christmas. So, a few days ago we went to one of our local thrift stores and found this.....
Do you think there's any hope for it???? Stay tuned.....
Enjoy your Saturday!!!!
Christmas cards are ready to mail..all 25 of them. My list gets smaller every year and I miss sending notes to those people that were close to my heart.
Also managed to get my Dad's parcel ready to mail. Everything will be going out tomorrow. I still have one box to get my 3 oldest grand-daughters. A little something in there for my Son and his wife as well...but not much. Someday I'll share the reason behind it all. Basically WHY I am not going there to watch my grand-daughters open their gifts. Breaks my heart. Their parents are truly ________ !! Use your imagination!!!!
The sun is out...but still quite cool out there. The sun makes everything right with the world....
Think I better get working on my hat...I have one more to go plus 3 pair of slippers to do to complete an order. Better get my butt in gear!!
Until next time!!!! Keep smiling!
You remember Oggie, don't you?? Also know as "Og The Dog". Anyway, yesterday he had an appointment with Dr. Barb, his vet. Oggie had a huge mole on his knee he kept licking....and it ended up infected...and so the story goes. My poor little man had to have minor surgery to remove the mole...3 stitches later...and what a trooper. He has been through alot for such a little guy! And on top of that, he has an infected tooth. Antibiotics and a cleanser for his teeth. But...he's doing great and so far so good!!!
Went to one of the second hand stores this morning. We bought a small tree to decorate...wasn't going to do anything at heart isn't into it. We have such a lovely large tree...and beautiful decorations...but can't see that happening this year. I did manage to print out my Christmas card list...and we'll see how much of that nasty task I can get accomplished today!!!!
Do you notice alot of "negative" in my attitude???? Need to change my ways!!!
I haven't been a very faithful blogger....what else can I say??
Christmas is just alittle over 3 weeks away....are you ready? We will be heading down to my youngest son's place for a few days and then back into Canada to celebrate the holiday with my husband's parents. I am NOT doing any decorating and will only be sending a few cards. My heart isn't into it this year and I can do what I damn well please. Maybe next year will be different...maybe not.
Have several special orders for crocheted hats, slippers and mittens....
hope to be done within the next week or two. Here's another one of my cotton hats. It's a lovely "spring" colored hat....a "happy" hat!!
Until next time...hopefully sooner than later....stay warm.