I love days like this when there really isn't anything planned....we went for an ice cream cone this afternoon...and just sat there and watched the traffic go by!! It was nice!!
Took Oggie for a walk...didn't even see any other dogs out and about!!
Got up this morning, and got a load of clothes on the line. Started to rain, so they came back off an hour or so later. Almost dry!!
John took some pictures for my ebay store. I have 3 new hats ready to list. Plus ....a ton of quilt patterns AND costume patterns for Halloween. I really need to get rid of some of this stuff!!
Did I tell you that I have an addiction? I'm crazy about yarn...just nuts about it!! I have this fear...and my Mom has a similar fear when it comes to food....that some day I MIGHT be really poor and not be able to afford any yarn. So I have this "stash".....Need I say more??????
Want to see my Morning Glories??? What a beautiful shade of blue!! I saw a picture of mauve colored ones...just not the same!!
Enjoy your Thursday...I am!!!!!
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