Well now...it's SUNDAY!!!! And I'm writing earlier than ususal. I'm tired and I'm sure the rest of the day will be rather uneventful!! Only thing I have planned is to pick up the dog "poop" in the back yard, and maybe do a bit of mending. Depends on how much ambition I have later. I might just get a few minutes of crocheting in if I play my cards right.
Latest news...John's Mom is in the hospital. She had chest pains last night and they took a trip to the ER. Fortunately, it wasn't her heart, but you can never be too careful when you're 80 years young, right?? (Or any age for that matter!!) GALL STONES!! Ouch!!! But, I spoke with her this evening, and she's pretty chipper and free of pain. Tomorrow, she can go home--with a promise she'll go back on Tuesday for further testing!!! She'll follow thru...
Talked to my Sweet-heart this afternoon...a few times. The rain held off for the car show...and he won a "door prize". Set of floor mats...so that was kind of "cool"!!
Well, that's the big news of the day!!! Better get busy...and Oggie-Dog is sitting here alittle restless...obviously he wants to go out!!! Isn't he handsome???
Talk soon...Have a "groovy" day!!!
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