Just about this time last year, John and I had great fun watching a pair of crows. Now...Mr. and Mrs. Crow were property hunting and they found the perfect piece of real estate in one of the neighbor's trees. Let the building begin!! Every day from dawn to dusk, the pair would search for building supplies...come back to their "little piece of heaven" and build and build and build. Mrs. Crow would fly in and sit on a nearby branch, while Mr. Crow diligently arranged his sticks, twigs, mud...and whatever else he could find. Mrs. Crow would then hop over to the nest...wiggle herself in...and off they'd go for more materials. This went on for almost 2 weeks.
Well, this afternoon...I noticed a crow...jumping up carefully on each branch until he reached last year's nest. And off in the distance, I saw a crow sitting...watching... and soon joined the other.
Will they be staying??? I hope so. It was so amazing at how the two worked together. They actually conversed with one another...Mrs. Crow giving Mr. Crow instructions... and Mr. Crow agreeing, of course! (Hey, it's my story)!!! And throughout the summer months...after the leaves had surrounded their home...you could hear them talk...and watch them fly back and forth with food for the little ones. They were raising a family.
Fall came...and the leaves fell from the trees...and they were gone. It's amazing how nature cycles...I do hope they come back to stay.
Check out last year's nest!! You can see Mrs. Crow sitting in her nest, with her head visible.
Today has been a good day...I worked this morning and got home around 3:00. We sat up far too late last night and watched a movie...but it was so worth it....The Family Stone", with Diane Keaton. I even managed to work on a hat...in a lovely medium green color..unknown fiber, but I think there's some wool involved here. I'll share a picture with you when I get it finished.
We're off to Sudbury again tomorrow...better get to bed.
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