It's been a rather busy day. Got up early and went with John to meet with the doctor that ordered his tests. Fortunately, most of them came back just fine...but still the question of why he has such pain at times. Still more medication and more testing yet to be done, but at least things are moving right along.
I got called into work this afternoon to work a party of 42...a hockey team from ?????. Can't remember. Regardless, it was well worth my time--3 hours or so... and I'm glad I grabbed the opportunity.
John went to the hockey game tonight. Think I'll just hang out at the computer...might just get a few things listed on ebay. I've been neglecting my store...and I need to spend some time with it.
Check out the squares I've been making. I've been trying to use up some odds and ends...and when I get enough made, I'll make them into an afghan and give it to someone on my "gift list"...or donate to a local charity.
Went to the mall this afternoon...had to buy a circular knitting needle for a my grand-daughter's afghan. Think I told you about grand-daughter #4....so this one is for her "home-coming". I'll be sure and share a picture or two as I move along with it.
Dancing with the Stars is on tonight. Will keep the t.v. on up here as I get some ebay listing done.
So...that's my news of the day...nothing real exciting...but alot of activity. Hope your day has been a good one...mine was!!!
Keep smiling!!!
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