Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009


A very gloomy day...and a far cry from yesterday. But...April showers brings May flowers, right? My miniature tulips and daffodils are just about ready to bloom. I made several changes in my rock garden last year. I'm hoping I'll be around to see how things turn out!!
The realtor was here and listed the house. We're heading back down to Brockville tomorrow to look at the house we like so well and at a few others. One is a "power of sale"...needs alot of work, but looks to have some potential. We'll see how we feel while we're down there...and go on to the next step.

Have been working on the baby blanket and things are going alot faster with a crochet hook! I do think the knit feather and fan pattern is prettier...but this looks quite nice as well. Will post a picture of it when I get more of it done.
See you when we get back...hope you're enjoying your week-end!! I'm going to enjoy the rest of mine!!! :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

It's been well over a week since I've posted. Yes, we did go to Brockville to visit John's parents...and yes, we had a nice time. But...we went house hunting while we were there...and now there are MAJOR life altering decisions to be made.

We found a lovely 3 bedroom bungalow about 5 miles out of Brockville. Most of the home has been remodeled, updated...and it's just gorgeous! Most of our interests are down in the area...we'd have a family doctor--John's parents would be close by (and they aren't getting any younger)--Walmart would only be a 5 minute drive, instead of the 2 hour trip...the list is endless. But...do we want to make the move???? I've heard from others...once Elliot Lake gets her grip on you...you'll never get out! Decisions...decisions.
Last week...we were sitting in the kitchen and noticed the flock of orioles that stopped by for a visit. Just lovely birds with their light orange and black feathers and bright yellow beak. The were only here for a short time and off they went. I do hope they come back--they;re a nice addition to our colorful rock garden!!

I gave up on the feather and fan design for my grand-daughters afghan. It's taking me FOREVER with that weight of yarn and small needles. But...I did find a crocheted version...and it's also a lovely design. I KNOW that will go much faster. Guess I better get busy. The shower is in June.

Went for a drive after dinner last night. We went out behind the golf course and walked Oggie Dog. On the way back...we saw a "ripple" in the water...and there HE was. A beaver...and a damn big one! He was trying to get across the road, but we must have scared him and back into the water he went. Appears he's in the process of doing some remodeling on his "hut"--alot of new twigs and branches being used!! AWESOME!!!

I want to get outside and enjoy some of the sunshine. Always makes a person feel better, don't you think?? Enjoy the rest of your day!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Well, we're "hitting the road" again. This time we're going to Brockville to visit John's parents. They just got back from spending the winter in Florida....always good to see them again. We're all packed and ready to go. The alarm is get for 4:00 a.m., time to eat breakfast and we'll be on our way!!!

VERY busy at work this morning...Easter Brunch. A large variety of different foods...everything was as "tasty" as it looked. It sure was good to sit down...we went "non-stop" for a good 3 hours. (I'm getting far too old for this line of work!!!)

Haven't done any knitting or crocheting the last few days. I'm taking the baby afghan with me. I never get a chance to crochet while traveling with Oggie Dog. He's the navigator...sits on my lap and makes sure we keep moving! He travels well!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Be safe...and God Bless. See you when we get back!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My First Robin...

I saw my first robin of the season one day last week. Here she sits on the crab apple tree in the front of the house. John took this picture....pretty nice, don't you think?

Worked a 4 hour shift today...thank goodness I got holiday pay!!! VERY quiet! Several reservations for tonight...but I'd much rather work days. I've "been there --done that"....let the younger ones do it!

Sold a book and a yard of fabric to Linda in New Hamburg, Ontario...and a crochet pattern to Stephanie in Arkansas. Sure would be nice to have a sale or two EVERY day!!!

My youngest son, Jeremy, called me this morning. Always nice to hear from him. I wish my oldest was as thoughtful!!! Anyway...he didn't have much to say...had the day off and was heading to the opening game for the Detroit Tigers!!! Glad he was able to get out and have some fun! Things are sure going to change when that new baby gets here!!! There won't be alot of time OR money to go out!! Remember those days????

Well, time for a bath and might just get a row or two done on that afghan.

Have a good evening....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Relaxing Thursday...

Haven't accomplished much of anything today. I did manage to get 5-6 patterns listed in my ebay store. There's talk of a "move" in our household. And...since I REALLY don't want to give these things away or worse yet...pack them up and move them...I've decided to list them at low, low prices and hopefully sell the majority! Wish me luck....

I've noticed that one of my violets has bloomed and is doing just wonderful! I started this plant about a year ago, and it's blooming nicely, don't you think?? It has such a lovely flower...ruffled and bright!! I have two other flowering plants...that just don't seem to be doing anything. I just might have to "pinch" a leaf and see what I can get started.

Having left-overs for dinner....pizza and tossed salad. Left-overs are always good...especially on a "lazy" day. I'm so lucky to have a hubby that's easy to please!!

Knit a few rows on the baby afghan...and crocheted a flower for one of my hats. I revised a pattern I found on a crochet site...faster and doesn't look quite as bulky. When I get it attached to the hat, I'll share a picture with you!!

Time to head to the kitchen. Hope your day is going well.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Sale!!!

I'm posting earlier than usual...I still have a few things to accomplish around here today and then I'm going to sit and do NOTHING!!! John goes to his bluegrass session tonight, so I have a few hours to myself.

Cleaned the upstairs bathroom this afternoon and ran a few errands. Still have to get a few loads of laundry done, dust the computer room and maybe push the vacuum.

I have a store on ebay.ca...Debeeedo's New To You Shop...things have been rather quiet...but I DID sell a hat to Patricia in California. I used Red Heart Yarn...TWIG...and it was so nice to work with. Little flecks of tan through-out. When you have time...go check out my store!!!
I have mostly craft items...patterns, etc. ...with a few pieces of jewelry and an occasional article of clothing.

Having pizza and a tossed salad for dinner. Easy...but, so good!!!! Will take my bath early and get ready for AMERICAN IDOL!!!

Hope you're enjoying your day!!

See you tomorrow....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's Gone!!!!

It's been a few days since I've sat down to "blog"...share my days with you...and so on. I haven't even picked up a crochet hook in 5 days. I lost it!!! It's gone!! My "mojo" has vanished. Poof!

I just came off my work week....and now I'm off for the next 4 days. I only work 13 hours per week...but that's enough. Been there--done that! It was quiet all week-end...people just don't have alot of extra money these days to go out and eat. This is a retirement community...prices go up, but most incomes and pensions remain the same. It's sad.

Last summer, I bought a bag of cotton yarn for 50 cents. Just a small bag...with odds and ends in it. I thought I might use it for dish clothes.....as I like to mix and match different colors and patterns. Anyway...I was counting on 3 or 4 cloths...but...was I ever surprised at how many I got out of just that little bit of yarn!!! And all for 50 cents!!! Check it out!!!

No plans for the week. Need to concentrate on some house work and some spring cleaning. And yes...I might even sit down and knit or crochet. So, if you find my "mojo"...please send it home!!

See you tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's April Fool's Day!!!

I always looked forward to the first of April when I was growing up. My Grand-father lived with us...and every year, he would tell me there was a flock of robins on the front lawn. Silly??? Why, of course! But...every year, I'd run to the front window...and every year he would laugh. April Fool!!! What a sweet man!!

Hey Therese...I'm the proud owner of a yarn winder!!!! YAHOOOO! I can't wait until it arrives and I can get started on that project!!! A little at a time and the job won't be so over-whelming!!!

Nothing of any real excitement happened around here today. John worked on his taxes and I "danced"around with the vacuum. I made Garlic Beef Stroganoff in the crock-pot...so dinner was nice and easy!!

No crocheting or knitting today!! Just doesn't seem right!!!

I'm off to bed...it's been a long day! Want to get up early and enjoy the sunshine!!!

Sweet Dreams!!!