I saw my first robin of the season one day last week. Here she sits on the crab apple tree in the front of the house. John took this picture....pretty nice, don't you think?
Worked a 4 hour shift today...thank goodness I got holiday pay!!! VERY quiet! Several reservations for tonight...but I'd much rather work days. I've "been there --done that"....let the younger ones do it!
Sold a book and a yard of fabric to Linda in New Hamburg, Ontario...and a crochet pattern to Stephanie in Arkansas. Sure would be nice to have a sale or two EVERY day!!!
My youngest son, Jeremy, called me this morning. Always nice to hear from him. I wish my oldest was as thoughtful!!! Anyway...he didn't have much to say...had the day off and was heading to the opening game for the Detroit Tigers!!! Glad he was able to get out and have some fun! Things are sure going to change when that new baby gets here!!! There won't be alot of time OR money to go out!! Remember those days????
Well, time for a bath and might just get a row or two done on that afghan.
Have a good evening....
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