I always looked forward to the first of April when I was growing up. My Grand-father lived with us...and every year, he would tell me there was a flock of robins on the front lawn. Silly??? Why, of course! But...every year, I'd run to the front window...and every year he would laugh. April Fool!!! What a sweet man!!
Hey Therese...I'm the proud owner of a yarn winder!!!! YAHOOOO! I can't wait until it arrives and I can get started on that project!!! A little at a time and the job won't be so over-whelming!!!
Nothing of any real excitement happened around here today. John worked on his taxes and I "danced"around with the vacuum. I made Garlic Beef Stroganoff in the crock-pot...so dinner was nice and easy!!
No crocheting or knitting today!! Just doesn't seem right!!!
I'm off to bed...it's been a long day! Want to get up early and enjoy the sunshine!!!
Sweet Dreams!!!
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