Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Well, my news of the day!!  And it's very exciting.  My hubby, John, went down to visit his parents...with the intention of going to the Annual Iroquois Car Show...which he did.  Out of the 300 or so vintage cars there, he took BEST OF SHOW aka JUDGE'S CHOICE..the most prestigious award there is to be given.  No...nothing monetary...but he's bringing home a really neat trophy.  Told me it must weigh 20 pounds!!  Isn't that just "the greatest"?  

So, here it is.  His 1957 Hudson Metropolitan and the trailer he built to match!!!

My day??  I worked...which was pretty uneventful.  Had coffee with my buddy, Toby, and took Oggie Dog for a walk.  Don't know why, but I'm just beat.  Need a nap, but it's too late in the day.

So...with that, I better get off by butt and do something....think I'll go sort buttons.  

Congrats Johnnie!!!

And hope you've enjoyed your week-end!!

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