Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Feathered Friends...

 I have a "Mother and Child" at my suet feeder.  That little one (on the left) is so demanding and noisy!!!  But, it's so enjoyable just to sit and watch them!!    I THINK this is the Downy Wood-pecker breed...the smallest wood-pecker in North America!!

Okay...go ahead and ask me how I'm doing with my latest project..."clutter clean-up".  Well...I went to the market to get a box...and now have 3 things in this box!!!  Obviously...not very well....but I AM making the effort.

My eBay sales have picked up in the last few weeks.  I've managed to get several items listed...I'm pretty happy about that.   I hope it continues...after all, don't people start to feel the "holiday spirit" sometime in July???

Crafting??  Haven't crocheted in so long, I can't remember the last time I had a hook in my hand!!!

Better get started on dinner...new recipe tonight!!

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