Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hi-de-ho Neighbor!!

Not much happening on the home front...infact, it's been a long week.  Sunday night came down with a cold/flu or whatever you want to call it.  So, I have been under the weather.  Haven't even picked up a crochet hook in a week or more.  But...I did manage to tie a bunch of odd lots together to make a "scrappy scarf" some time in the near future.  A good way to use up some scraps, right?  (You know me...I can't throw a damn thing out!!!) 

So, here is "my pile" of scraps...I'll put them together with a strand of off-white.  I've seen them on a few web-sites and found them quite unique!! 

Back to work tomorrow...nice place to visit...but I have my eyes and ears open....if you know what I mean.  Not my cuppa tea.  And Lord knows, it's NOT the people I work with...they're awesome!!!

See you soon...need to get a few things listed in my eBay store.

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