Let Me Know You Were here!! :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Beautiful Day in Northern Ontario....

Well, it was just a picture perfect day here in Northern Ontario...sunny and cooler temperatures! Just enough wind to make everything smell "fresh"!!

Nothing special through-out the day...did a load of washing and got it out on the line early. Made some cream of cauliflower soup and a jell-o salad for dinner. Finished cleaning the bathrooms after dinner and watered the garden. Spent a few minutes pulling weeds...what a mess! Need to pay some serious attention to that poor garden!!! I hope to move a few plants around tomorrow.

Talked to my Mother a few times today. She's "cranky" and short tempered-a sure sign she's not feeling well. I wonder if they sent her home too soon...

I've started to "declutter" again. Too many plants, so I took them over to my neighbor. Jeannie is a dear soul...84 years young and "going strong". She'll take good care of them....

Well, think I'll try to finish a hat I'm working on. Time to go sit in my chair and catch the re-run of Dallas...for the 3rd or 4th time.
Thought I'd share a picture of one of our garden visitors this spring...and occassionally, he brings along a friend or two!! Handsome boy, isn't he?? Plenty of berries out in the bush now...they won't be back until spring...

Keep Smiling.....See you tomorrow...

1 comment:

Karen said...

Love the photo of your "visitor"! He could have smiled for the camera though...